(Eng) QUEST "9/20" update change list

1. Additions

  1. Added requirements to enable ReQUEST, which requires at least one quest approval. Also needs to enable ReQUEST receiving in basic profile settings.

    The dashboard will notify user who met the requirements of ReQUEST. The user who enabled ReQUEST will get check mark on the user list.

  1. Added ability to withdraw pre performing ReQUEST by requester.

  2. Now update quest's timestamp when post a performer's comment.

  3. Added filtering and sorting to followers/followings on the dashboard.

2. Changes

  1. Renamed the "Motor Sports" category to "Car Life"

  2. Reordered categories.

  3. Changed the boost button on EXPLORE QUESTS to a link so that it can be opened in the separate tab.

  4. The Symbol account generator enables browser wallet automatically to prevent loss of private key.

  5. Various UI tweaks.

3. Bug fix

  1. Fixed unexpected status transition of boost invoice that unpaid Type.C invoice will become "waiting decision" after voting is succeeded. It was affecting to total amount display of vault, but no assets has moved.

4. How to activate ReQUEST

Enabling ReQUEST requires at least one quest completion and approval. Furthermore, go "Settings" → "Basic profile" and tick "Enable ReQUEST receiving" with saving.

If you don't want to receive ReQUEST, just uncheck it and save it. In this case, ReQUESTs won't be removed which are already received.

5. Contact us


ReQUEST for developer is accepted from below account. (Not a guarantee to perform. We'll do our best after reviewing the content)






* Replace [at] with @ (at mark)